How Many Gerbils Can Live in One Cage?

How many gerbils can you keep together?

Gerbils are social creatures that shouldn’t live alone. If you’re thinking of adopting new gerbils, you may wonder how many gerbils can be kept in the same cage (gerbilarium). A pair of gerbils (two males or two females) is a safe combination that’ll provide companionship … Read more

5 Best Gerbil Cages Review + Cage Setup

best gerbil houses

There are countless small animal cages, but many aren’t suitable for gerbils. This can make it hard to find the right gerbil habitat. The best gerbil cages should have 10 gallons of space per gerbil and room for at least 6 inches of bedding. The … Read more

Do Gerbils Like Running Balls?

do gerbils like exercise balls?

Exercise balls are plastic spheres that small animals can run around in, without the fear of getting lost. They’re designed for hamsters, but gerbils can also them to stay healthy and as a boredom-buster. Some gerbils like running balls, and some don’t. Many gerbils enjoy … Read more

Do Gerbils Need a Running Wheel?

do gerbils need an exercise wheel?

Running wheels are important for enriching the lives of gerbils. They give your gerbil the opportunity to exercise and stay active, but running wheels can get a little noisy for owners, especially during the night. A running wheel offers a gerbil the chance to get … Read more